80C31 and 8052 Microcontroller

8048 and MCS-48 made designing with Microprocessors easy with built in I/O ports, RAM and Timer. The I/O ports for the 8085 was an external 8255. 8749 enabled users to burn and test firmware on an integrated UV Eprom.
80C51-52 which came out as the fully evolved uC had built in Serial Ports UART and more Math, better Timer-Counter and Interrupt Handling. The ‘C’ is for CMOS that made handheld instruments possible due to low battery usage and lesser support chips.
New Microprocessor learning board demonstrates exemplary design of 8-bit single board computer. More peripheral and easy to adapt to be a dedicated controller.
8051 kit using 7-segment display and hex key monitor. The design is simple, small number of components and cheap. The size is compact, 5.3×5.7 inches. The keypad is ergo design for young students. The kit is 8051 based microcontroller. So many chip makers produce the 8051 core microcontroller. The kit is available for both preassembled and kit form.
The new 8051SBC features;
- CPU: Any 8051 compatible with 40-pin DIP package @11.0592MHz
- MEMORY: 27C256, 32kB EPROM for monitor program
- 62256, 32KB SRAM for both code and data space
- I/O: direct cpu bus interface 2×16 line LCD
- MEMORY and I/O Decoder: GAL16V8D
- EEPROM: 24LC256, 32KB serial eeprom
- RTC: Real-time clock, DS1307 with +3V Lithium backup
- ADC: LTC1298, SPI interface 2-channel 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter
- I/O pins: P1,P3 of 8051 cpu, 16-bit I/O port
- Keypad and DIPSW: 4-bit keypad and 4-bit DIP switch
- RS232 Level Converter: MAX232
- RS485: 75176 differential transceiver
- Serial Interface: 9600 8n1
- Monitor Program: Modified PAULMON2 including new commands
delabs Notes –
This is an Educational Masterpiece, with more Relevance to Asian Students. I took my first steps with 8085, Z80 and later 8749. Then the 80C51. If you start writing code for 8080, you will want features which will come in 8749 and when you study 8749 and think of enhancements 80C51 will pop out as if they read your mind.
Once you work with these, then you can use all the new uC and uP easily. It is better you write code with as less EPROM or Flash as possible. This will help you make quality code. The smaller the code the more real time your firmware and lesser bugs.
The Assembly Code MCS-51 set is used to program the chip. There is a 8052 Basic that can understand the Basic Language, useful for people who are not comfortable with mnemonics.
Now we have 8051 chips with EE Flash and some have a watchdog and I2C too.
80C51, SBC, Firmware and Circuits
80C51 Single Board Computer SBC and Firmware Code. Interface 8051 or 8052 to PC on a RS-232 or serial port. Microcontroller Board and learn about MCS-51.
delabs circuits – micro1