Accelerometers in Robots and Moving Things

An accelerometer is a device that measures non-gravitational accelerations. These are accelerations produced by mechanically accelerating the accelerometer via its casing. – Accelerometer Wikipedia – Accelerometer – An accelerometer is a device which measures acceleration; how fast it’s speeding up. In the past an accelerometer could be a complex, bulky piece of equipment, but in
today’s world, accelerometers are available as single ic’s and use complex microscale machining technology.
MMA7260Q is a 3-axis accelerometer from Freescale Semiconductor. This accelerometer can be used with an extension Library Mma7260q which simplifies some initialization values and tilt detection.
ADXL105 Lower-Noise Wider-Bandwidth Accelerometer – The ADXL105, a near-ideal kind of vibration sensor, eliminates significant problems with existing vibration sensors, such as piezoelectric and bulk capacitive sensors. Primary benefits derive from much lower cost, stable sensitivity as a function of frequency and temperature, ruggedness, and ease of use. Besides machine health and condition monitoring, it is particularly well suited for noise and vibration cancellation applications.
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