Amateurfunkbasteln – Amateur Radio Crafts and Electronics

Amateur radio is a technical hobby. The attraction? To cover long distances with a low power radio to talk with other people, learn about their countries and cultures.

Amateurfunkbasteln – Amateur Radio Crafts and Electronics

But amateur radio also means tinker devices themselves, solder, apply electronics and learn something. In this sense, it can be a preparation for a technical career or even an engineering degree.

Use Google Translate, the pages are in German.

A Data Logger that records Slowly varying parameters, such as the temperature or decreasing the voltage of a battery. This copy records up to four measurements on parallel and saves it on a EEPROM.


Four Channel Data Logger

It measures self-sufficient – without a PC – analog voltages (0-5V), it digitizes and stores the numerical value obtained in a separate memory. Later, after the measuring and recording phase, passes the data logger its information to the PC.



dapj means digital analog power junction

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