Author: dapj


Science Hobbyist – Amateur Science

Amateur Science, Cool Science, Gravity, Energy, Fusion, Tesla Coil Page. Neodymium Supermagnets, Science Toys. Significantly Worthwhile Books, Science Fair Ideas, Science Demos Articles, Experiments, Exhibits, Kids’ Science Projects, The Science Club. Projects for beginners,...


DC Circuits – University of Guelph

Start with the Basics like ohms law, resistors, voltage current. Learn the math and equations too. Schematic Diagrams, Complicated Circuits, Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Current Law, Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, Resistors in Series, Resistors in Parallel. DC Circuits – University...

Electronics Club – John Hewes

A website for anyone wishing to learn about electronics or build simple projects. Written for beginners but used by many others as a quick reference. Example Projects, Construction of Projects, Soldering Guide, Study Electronics,...