Author: dapj

Electronics Tutorials – Ian Purdie VK2TIP

Offering free comprehensive basic electronics tutorials in amplifiers, antennas, ham radio, filters, oscillators, power supply, receivers, test equipment, transmitters, radio design and electronics design. Links to data sheets and electronics reference and text books.

Electronic Fifteen LED Roulette

The following was submitted on July 11th, 2007. Message: I want to combine Ne555 with 74154 IC.The indication of the outputs must be shown with LED’s but up to so far it need 15...

Proto-PIC – Prototyping for Hobbyists

eShop and How-To Videos for anyone who has an interest in Microcontroller Programming & Development. Components and Kits for the Electronics Enthusiast. Proto-PIC – Prototyping for Hobbyists A site designed for electronics and prototyping...

PIC Microcontroller Tutorials

These are Tiny Chips that integrate the Microprocessor and Peripheral chips in a compact size with low power consumption. PIC Microcontrollers from Microchip are the evolved computing digital devices that go into many gadgets...


Nuts and Volts DIY Magazine

Online edition of US print magazine Nuts and Volts. Aimed at the electronics hobbyist, with articles covering amateur radio, cellular communications. Nuts and Volts DIY Magazine Nuts & Volts is written for the hands-on...

The Blobz Guide to Electric Circuits

Enter the Blobz Guide to Electric Circuits. – developed by Andy Thelwell at Staffordshire University. This is an excellent starter for youngsters to learn electricity. The Blobz Guide to Electric Circuits This was a...

Liquidware – Embedded Electronics Source

Open Source Electronics. Hardware and gadgets. Embedded Cards with Support Cards and Components. Be in Sync. with the Embedded Electronics for Quick Prototyping and Gadget Creation. Liquidware – Embedded Electronics Source There’s enough stuff...