DMM or Digital Multi Meter
A nice DMM is the first thing you should own. Have one for High Voltage and High Energy and another for Workbench Testing.
A nice DMM is the first thing you should own. Have one for High Voltage and High Energy and another for Workbench Testing.
CirKits SCC3 Photovoltaic Charge Controller kit, SPC3 Solar Power Center kit, and DAS1 Dark Activated Switch kit. SPC3 – 12 Volt 9 Amp / 10 Amp Solar Power Center Kit The SPC3 kit contains...
Ronald Dekker’s Nixie Tube Projects and Software. He has many interesting projects like “Mixed-Signal” LED clock, The µTracer, a miniature tube curve tracer. A Tiny 80(C)31 Basic Board. Electronic Projects of Ronald I Colored...
“My hobby has been a present occupation as it is because I liked electronics relatings since I was little. Railroad, anime, comic and TV game as well. As for programming in the hobby, because...