Author: dapj

Silicon Chip Electronics Magazine

Hobby Electronics, Computing, Kits and Projects. Online version of Australia’s only electronics magazine, and is primarily directed to professionals, trades people and enthusiasts in the electronics, electrical, computer and related fields. Silicon Chip Electronics...

RASON Projects Page

Designing Bipolar Transistor Audio PreAmps, Designing JFET Transistor Audio PreAmps, Designing Op Amp IC Audio PreAmps, Switching Regulator Basics, Using Transistors As Switches. RASON Projects Page – Amateur Radio 10 Amp, 13.8 Volt Power...

Futurlec Components and Semiconductors

Large stockist and supplier of electronic components throughout the world. The Electronic Components and Semiconductor Superstore. Integrated Circuits, LED’s / LCD’s, Connectors, Microcontroller Boards, Hardware, Project Boxes, Stepper Motors.


Good Earthing Prevents Shocks

Good Earthing or Grounding is needed for Human Safety it also Prolongs Appliance Life. Earthing in the olden days was done like this, i have just mixed what i have heard with my common...