Author: dapj


EE Books of Hans Camenzind

Hans Camenzind book on Analog CMOS design is a good reference for students and covers Power Electronic concepts like Switching Regulators and Low Drop-Out Regulators. The Delta-Sigma Converter A/D and Zero-Crossing Detectors on Mixed...

Franks Electron tube Pages

“At the age of 10 we moved to Copenhagen for about 2 years. I had some friends there who knew that I liked old radios so regularly someone brought me one. (See my picture...

Blue Point Engineering – Animatronics Robotics

Hardware, Electronics, Supplies, Custom Engineering and Technical Assistance for the Animatronic, Robotic, Electronic Arts, Haunted Attractions, Hobbyist and Professional. Blue Point Engineering – Animatronics Robotics “..Product line of low cost, high quality, hardware, electronics,...