Karl Lunts Embedded Robots
This site contains lots of embedded control and robotics projects that I’ve developed over the years. Many were featured in past articles in Nuts & Volts magazine, and in my book, Build Your Own...
This site contains lots of embedded control and robotics projects that I’ve developed over the years. Many were featured in past articles in Nuts & Volts magazine, and in my book, Build Your Own...
Here you will find Audio Oriented projects, many in the German Language. There is one – Converting Analog into Digital (IIR) Filters which is useful for Mixed Design students. Then there is a FPGA-Based...
Periodic table of the elements contains the basic data about the elements in five languages. niG. Chemistry Assistant An expression calculator for fast calculation of molecular weight of compounds by simple entry of chemical...
Get the Plan Drawings and Make your own Morse Key with a Sounder from J.E. Howell Model Engine Plans.The full size plans will allow you to make an exact replica of the key and...