QRZ Ham Radio
QRZ was founded in 1992 by Fred Lloyd, AA7BQ as a spinoff of what was once called the “Callsign Project”, a cooperative effort designed to obtain and distribute FCC database tapes. QRZ remains a...
QRZ was founded in 1992 by Fred Lloyd, AA7BQ as a spinoff of what was once called the “Callsign Project”, a cooperative effort designed to obtain and distribute FCC database tapes. QRZ remains a...
“I am not a professional electronics engineer, nor do I have an electronics degree. I make no claims for technical accuracy, good design, or necessarily even originality for the contents of these pages. Rather, I...
A long, long time ago a bright ape figured out that by climbing down from the trees he could more easily master his life, and that of others……Homo sapiens wanted something else, and better....
Tony van Roon VA3AVR has built Circuit Land. This site is as old as the html web internet, means 1995. Earlier it was a part of a Canadian University Site, when i discovered it...