G8NQN Martin – Keadby North Lincolnshire UK
Amateur Radio Station operated by Maerin Bancroft. The Online Website includes a Technical section with drawings and building instructions for many projects.
Amateur Radio Station operated by Maerin Bancroft. The Online Website includes a Technical section with drawings and building instructions for many projects.
Get the Plan Drawings and Make your own Morse Key with a Sounder from J.E. Howell Model Engine Plans.The full size plans will allow you to make an exact replica of the key and...
Bill Jones, K8CU, has been an active Radio Amateur, CW Dxer, and home project builder since first receiving his Amateur Radio license in 1966 at age 17. Bill is an electronics professional with four-decades...
ARRL is the national -USA membership association for Amateur Radio operators. Amateur Radio (ham radio) is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communication together. People use ham radio to talk...