Category: Amateur Radio

VK5JST Amateur Radio Ideas with Photos

The new Ham Project Pages are VHF/HF Aerial Analyser, A 600MHz Frequency Counter.  Then there is a an ESR Meter for Electrolytic Capacitors. VK5JST Amateur Radio Ideas with Photos With a two tone tester,...

RASON Projects Page

Designing Bipolar Transistor Audio PreAmps, Designing JFET Transistor Audio PreAmps, Designing Op Amp IC Audio PreAmps, Switching Regulator Basics, Using Transistors As Switches. RASON Projects Page – Amateur Radio 10 Amp, 13.8 Volt Power...

N5ESE – Gizmos for QRP Ham Radio

“One day I noticed a project, obviously homebrew, mounted on a piece of plywood, and nearly covering the worktable. When I asked him what it was, he glowed as bright as the half-dozen tubes...

RPC Electronics – Amateur Radio Supplies

A firm based at Greenbackville, Virginia provides parts and kits for Amateur Radio applications. Products include data and audio cables for APRS and packet radio. They also offer simple serial communications testing and monitoring...