Ham Shack of W5JGV – Ralph
My Start as a Ham – Ralph’s Story – “I suppose my interest in things electrical began when at a very young age I poked a metal hairpin into an electrical outlet. To this...
My Start as a Ham – Ralph’s Story – “I suppose my interest in things electrical began when at a very young age I poked a metal hairpin into an electrical outlet. To this...
John Owen has made Enriching Electronics Pages at vwlowen.co.uk. There are many Ham Radio projects too. Amateur Radio and Calculators for Electronics A highlight is the “Build A PICAXE Weather Station.” This is quite...
Learning AVR Assembler with practical examples, Want to learn how to program AT90S AVR processors in assembler language? This is the page for you! AVR Assembler Tutorial – Gerhard Schmidt Erlernen der AVR-Assemblersprache mit...
Best of ‘In Practice’ on the web – Articles and resources of long-term interest, including switch-mode power supplies. GM3SEK’s Amateur Radio Technical Notebook which also contains the archives of old Radcom ‘In Practice’ column....
“I am not a professional electronics engineer, nor do I have an electronics degree. I make no claims for technical accuracy, good design, or necessarily even originality for the contents of these pages. Rather,...
The vintage radio equipment from the R.L. Drake Company. Life before solid state devices,..vintage radio equipment from the Collins Radio Company. Featuring the “S” Line radio equipment from the 1960’s and 70’s era. WB4HFN...
“I was born in the late 1970s, mid-year in the local hospital of a coastal part of Australia? Yet another instance of humanity, one of the 6.6 billion or so of us (4.2 billion...
Amateur radio homepage by Lars Petersen of Holstebro, Denmark. The Useful Articles include some good rules for the QRPer and Main HF rig and antenna. Lars Petersen OZ1BXM QRP Denmark CW, QRP, and satellites....