LA5EKA Gisle J. Bjoerneseth Radio Amateur
Why learn the Code ? By LA5EKA, Gisle J. Bjoerneseth This article is also posted on EHam, in the Norwegian “Amatoerradio” magazine April 2003 edition and in the MVARC April 2003 newsletter, Ye Olde...
Why learn the Code ? By LA5EKA, Gisle J. Bjoerneseth This article is also posted on EHam, in the Norwegian “Amatoerradio” magazine April 2003 edition and in the MVARC April 2003 newsletter, Ye Olde...
Component level (mostly analog) electronics from microwave to AF. Jazz guitars and guitar amplifiers. Radio astronomy. I apply science and critical thinking in my daily life.
This page provides some tools (software by myself), hardware, and other information for radio amateurs, and some other not-radio-related stuff like the PIC programmer. Frequency counter with a PIC and minimum hardware This document...
Homebrew Electronic Projects of Harry Harry’s Homebrew Homepages; a resource for radio, hamradio and electronics in general. Harry Lythall – SM0VPO/G4VVJ. Antenna projects, Receiver circuits, Transmitters circuits, AF / Amps circuits, Morse Code, PSU...