Category: Computers

Aaron Cake Basic Electronics

Aaron Cake  has many electronic circuits and other electronics information in his archive that is online since the 90s. Antique electronics and Parallel Port Programming. Aaron Cake Electronics The Schematic Symbol Reference, How To Solder...


ET – Technology Interface Journal

Technology Interface ia an on-line journal for the Engineering Technology profession serving education and industry. ET the Technology Interface – Wayback The Technology Interface has been developed to provide professionals in the Engineering Technology...


Phoenix Science Experiments

Phoenix allows you to develop science experiments  by connecting  sensor / control elements to a computer and access them through software. Phoenix Science Experiments Phoenix depends heavily on Python language. The data acquisition, analysis...

Booting old PC with SD Card

A Need created a concept of no Commercial Value. I was unable to revive my Pentium from the Nineties, the FDD drives have gone bad, those i am able to get from some salvage...

Wired Wireless Keyobard Mouse

Reuse Wireless Keyboard and Mouse

Many people give up on Wireless Keyboard Mouse Combo after a few months of “Novelty”. This is due to the chore of replacing batteries and also the cost and wastage (carbon foot). Then i...