Category: Embedded-Systems
FPGAs are powerful programmable logic integrated circuits. FPGAs are wonderful devices to design digital logic with. You can design a circuit on your computer and have it running on your desk in minutes. See also...
The Prototino is an Arduino clone with a built in prototyping area. Designed to make a permanent version of your project once you have perfected it on a breadboard but without the expense of...
This is a very useful computer interfacing resource for instrumentation. PC Parallel Port, Use of a PC Printer Port for Control and Data Acquisition, Serial Control and Measurement. Many Microchip PIC Type projects. Also...
8051 development suite is a virtual sightseeing tour through 8051 lab of Martin. Dual Slope ADC – A low cost circuit to measure voltages with a precision up to 14 bit. Electronic Projects for...