Category: Embedded-Systems
Instruction manual of an electronic moving font with LEDs and a clock built up of LEDs. Furthermore information is available about a serial-to-I²C converter, an AT89C2051 evaluation board and a complete TV tuner with...
It is not easy to find complete working embedded projects with designs, code and kit. At Tuxgraphics you will find a way to start your embedded skill development, then expand from hobby to solving...
This is a nice educational reference project based on 89C2051, an 8051 derivative. This uses the Uses analog switches to steer test tones and results. Programmed in assembler to produce pure 1khz tone. Tone...
Proton BASIC Compiler Development Suite and supporting Hardware development platforms. Proton Basic and the supporting hardware is for use with PIC microcontrollers.These development systems even extend to Ethernet and Wi-Fi.