Applied Magnetics by Barry Hansen
Barry Hansen enthusiasm for Coilgun Designs has created an EE education portal. Applied Magnetics by Barry Hansen See the RLC Simulator and Inductor Simulator. By building a Gauss Gun which is like a Solenoid,...
Barry Hansen enthusiasm for Coilgun Designs has created an EE education portal. Applied Magnetics by Barry Hansen See the RLC Simulator and Inductor Simulator. By building a Gauss Gun which is like a Solenoid,...
LochMaster 4.0 is a developers tool for BreadBoard projects. It has useful functions for designing, documenting and testing project boards. A Schematic design has been made, either from experience coupled with testing out application...
My nixies & nixie clocks, Blue & White 7-segment LED Clocks, PIC16F84 based Dark Room Timer, PIC16F876 based 2-channel Electronic TL-Dimmer. Turbokeus Hobby and Electronic Projects Low drop Temperature Controlled FANregulators with LM2941CT &...
The Multimedia Electronic Literature & Learning Internet Site A website dedicated to the advancement of electronic engineering skills by Mike Ellis.Complete schematics and code for a 68HC11 based frequency counter, square wave synthesizer, sine...