Elektronika Jaroslav Belza
LED brightness controler, Electronic dice, USB wire switch, JDM PIC programmer, Precise Low Voltage Power Supply, Electrolytic Capacitor Tester.
LED brightness controler, Electronic dice, USB wire switch, JDM PIC programmer, Precise Low Voltage Power Supply, Electrolytic Capacitor Tester.
Tony van Roon VA3AVR has built Circuit Land. This site is as old as the html web internet, means 1995. Earlier it was a part of a Canadian University Site, when i discovered it...
Sam has some wonderful Audio and Video circuits. He is from Greece the land of Mythology and the Gods. These are Electronic Circuits and DIY Projects for the hobbyist. Sam Electronic Circuits There is...
Kicad is an open source (GPL) software for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork. KiCad EDA Software Suite. Designed and written by Jean-Pierre Charras. He is a researcher at...