VU Meter Circuits and Projects
Here is a collection of web pages of VU Meter projects that helps a newbie getting into the Electronics DIY Hobby Land. A Hobby now in your School days or College can help you...
Here is a collection of web pages of VU Meter projects that helps a newbie getting into the Electronics DIY Hobby Land. A Hobby now in your School days or College can help you...
Designing Bipolar Transistor Audio PreAmps, Designing JFET Transistor Audio PreAmps, Designing Op Amp IC Audio PreAmps, Switching Regulator Basics, Using Transistors As Switches. RASON Projects Page – Amateur Radio 10 Amp, 13.8 Volt Power...
There is a very wide range of power amplifiers, preamps, guitar/ bass amplifiers, studio equipment, effects, and other projects to build, including loudspeakers, subwoofers, and many others Elliott Sound Products – The Audio Pages...
Dual Polarity Power Supply Two versions of a dual polarity power supply with printed circuit board artwork. The supplies are built around the popular LM317 & 337 complementary voltage regulators which offer very high...