David Jones -Tronnort Technology

PCB Design Tutorial – As published in Silicon Chip magazine Oct-Dec 2003. A very comprehensive three part tutorial on how to professionally design and lay out PCBs. Learn all the tricks of the trade! A ground breaking article.
10MHz DDS Function Generator – A very low cost 1Hz to 10MHz sine/square function generator using a novel “sliding window” display. Based on the Analog Devices AD9835 DDS chip.
Low Cost 20MHz Function Generator – A 20MHz+ Sine/Square/Triangle function generator based on the Maxim MAX038 chip.
PC Based Digital Storage Oscilloscope Adaptor- A simple and low cost PC Based digital storage scope using a novel architecture.
David Jones -Tronnort Technology
FSM Compiler Based PLC- A simple and low cost Programmable logic controller based on the Finite State Machine concept. Complete with custom compiler software and source code.