DL4YHF – Ham Radio and Homebrew

This page provides some tools (software by myself), hardware, and other information for radio amateurs, and some other not-radio-related stuff like the PIC programmer.

Frequency counter with a PIC and minimum hardware

This document describes the construction of small frequency counter with a cheap PIC microcontroller and a few seven-segment LED digits. The main features of the frequency counter are: frequency range 1 Hz … 50 MHz (prototype worked up to 60 MHz but this exceeds the PIC’s timing specifications)


Frequency counter with a PIC and minimum hardware
by Wolfgang “Wolf” Bรผscher, DL4YHF – frequency range 1 Hz โ€ฆ 50 MHz

DL4YHF – Ham Radio and Homebrew



dapj means digital analog power junction

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