EE Books of Hans Camenzind

Hans Camenzind book on Analog CMOS design is a good reference for students and covers Power Electronic concepts like Switching Regulators and Low Drop-Out Regulators.
The Delta-Sigma Converter A/D and Zero-Crossing Detectors on Mixed Design. Communications circuits like Timers and Oscillators . Phase-Locked Loops and Filters too.
Designing Analog Chips by Hans Camenzind
Hans Camenzind was born and raised in Switzerland and moved to the U.S. after college. He received an MSEE from Northeastern University and an MBA from the University of Santa Clara. After several years doing research in the Boston area, he moved to the West Coast to join Signetics and later started his own company, Interdesign. After heading it for seven years he sold Interdesign to Plessey.
This book describes the history of the electron, the “almost nothing”, from the days it was unknown until our present time. Luckily the author writes in a language that any layman can easily understand, without boring the expert either. Thanks to clear explanations and many illustrations, the functioning of magnets, cathode-ray-tubes or transistors becomes less of a mystery.