Electronic Projects by Martin Clausen

8051 development suite is a virtual sightseeing tour through 8051 lab of Martin. Dual Slope ADC –ย A low cost circuit to measure voltages with a precision up to 14 bit.
Electronic Projects for 8051 Development
Some of the Projects here are
- 8051 Development – Code, schematics and hints for development with 8051
- Digital Frequency Generator -Frequency generator with DDS technology
- ยตC ADC – RS232 controlled 16 bit data aquisition
- Low-cost ADC – PC to take a look at signals up to 1 KHz
- Datalogger- 8 channel, 2 counter, 64K RAM, LCD, RS232
- MiniDS- Mini Digital Storage Scope, one channel, low cost ADC.
Electronic Projects by Martin Clausen
8051 development kit makes the development of MCU circuits quicker. just plug all the components for the circuit together and can start immediately to program.