Electronic Projects of Mast

Here are BASIC-52 projects and some Atmel AVR projects.and audio projects like Balanced microphone preamp with phantom power. It also has the old PIC Archive.
Projects with Basic 52
- Using DS1621 temperature sensor chip with BASIC-52 (Temperature logger)
- Using ADS1286 12-bit ADC with BASIC-52
- Cheap R2R DAC for BASIC-52 with performance analysis
- Using RF modules for wireless communication with BASIC-52
- Sinewave generator with AD9835 DDS, driven by BASIC-52
“So, first of all, you need a 80C52 or compatible microcontroller. There are several producers, I used Atmel’s AT89C52 which is FLASH based, so it can be reprogrammed (as opposed to 80C52 which is OTP part). Any 89C52 or 87C52 part will do fine for experimenting, but if you do not have a programmer for 8051 family of MCU-s, Atmel also has a AT89S8252 (8052 compatible chip with 2K of EEPROM built in) with a serial programming interface which makes building a programmer much easier.”
Simple PWM controller – with 555
This 555 timer based PWM controller features almost 0..100% pulse width regulation using R1, while keeping the oscillator frequency relatively stable. The frequency is dependent on values of R1 and C1, values shown will give a frequency range from about 170 to 200 Hz. Any 555 chip will do, CMOS is fine as well.
Local copy of David Tait’s PIC archive
Most of these files are related in some way to my simple PIC16C84 programmer for IBM compatible PCs (download pic84pgm.zip and pic84v05.zip). You may find one or two packages that have more to offer though.