Electronic Projects of Ronald

Ronald Dekker’s Nixie Tube Projects and Software. He has many interesting projects like “Mixed-Signal” LED clock, The ยตTracer, a miniature tube curve tracer. A Tiny 80(C)31 Basic Board.
I Colored The Sketch at Ronald’s site and mailed it to him. Ronald used it in his website!!
NIXIE II A Talking NIXIE Alarm Clock! This Nixie Alarm clock will wake you up with a personal wake-up message or sound. A “wav” file stored in EPROM is played using only a few counters and a DA converter.
The ยตSCOPE – A poormans OscilloScope
“These days this obviously can be done much simpler. The present generation of micro controllers is so powerful that such a videoscope concept can be realized almost completely in software. Recently I obtained a sample of the 12f675. On examination of the datasheet of this small 8 pins micro controller from Microchip, it appeared that the small package contained all the components of a miniature videoscope. In short the ยตSCOPE project was born, with as main objective the challenge of implementing such a relatively complex task in this small micro controller. The result summarized on this web page is a fully functional (memory)scope that samples the analogue input signal and subsequently displays it on a normal TV”