Electronique – Sonelec-Musique


Theory – This section is for beginners, and explains briefly what are the most common electronic components. Théorie – Cette rubrique est destinée aux débutants, et explique très brièvement à ce que sont les composants électroniques les plus courants. N’allez surtout pas là pour approffondir vos connaissances d’experts !

Electronique – Sonelec-Musique

This topic is for beginners, and explains very briefly what are the most common electronic component. Réalisations – DIY (Do It Yourself, faites-le vous-même). Compilations de montages de mon cru, ou explications et conseils pour des montages d’autres auteurs.


Electronics – Achievements – Selector 001c

This circuit includes a microcontroller PIC 16F84A type (deprecated) or 16F628A (recommended), and can control one or more devices from eight through some pushbuttons. Each push button corresponds to a separate output, and Pressing either of these buttons activates the corresponding output.

Here he has made a Sculpture with Resistors and Copper Wire Strands and then Solder (Lead Free)

“Drawing used model, designed by Flavie. few overviews and detail. ‘s eye is made ??with a ceramic disc capacitor of 1.5 pF. The shoes are made ??with four small rectangular capacitors of 1.5 pF. For the mane, forelock and tail, I used strands of copper wire. Wire has just been stripped and the copper is still pink. I hesitate to put varnish for protégrer corrosion.”


( oeuvre d’art – delabs) – Sculptures – Elec – Cheval 001



dapj means digital analog power junction

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