Elektor Electronics – Circuits Projects Community

One of the oldest and reputed Electronics Magazine. construction projects, computer, technology, computing, PC technology, microcontroller. Books & CD-Roms, E-blocks, Kits & Modules.R8C pages, RFID pages.
This was one of the Mags along with Radio Electronics that made me a better designer. Radio Electronics was my first favorite mag.
Elektor Electronics – Circuits Projects Community
They also have some of the issues for download. Some nice projects too are available with code for reference and experimenting.
Online Store and Members Area
They have a Forum for Discussion and Displaying your Completed projects. Even seek help when stuck with your project.
Then a Kits and Tools Store where you can buy the things you need to make the Electronic Projects, ..
I though it was time i made a collage for my old guru, then even i am getting older. I wish there was an Internet when i was young. Time to use my rusting Time Machine,
Updated Sept 2014