EPE Magazine hobby electronics magazine

Hobby electronics and computer projects magazine for electronics constructors everywhere. Every issue is packed with ideas, theory and projects for you to build – using class-leading drawings and illustrations, with full circuit diagrams, p.c.b. layouts, artwork and photos.
EPE Magazine hobby electronics magazine
They have an Online Store to buy back issues and reprints, printed circuit boards, electronics books, CD-ROMs and your favourite EPE products too.
The most fundamental skill needed to assemble any electronic project is that of soldering. It takes some practice to make the perfect joint, but, like riding a bicycle, once learned is never forgotten!
“Practical Electronics magazine (PE) was founded in 1964 as a constructor’s magazine for the electronics enthusiast. From it was born Everyday Electronics(EE) in 1971 which catered for the electronics novice.”
Wimborne Publishing Ltd.
113 Lynwood Drive Merley Wimborne Dorset BH21 1UU. UK.