GM Arts – Music Guitar Science

This site is offered in the hope that readers will better understand electric guitar technology, leading to creative use of your musical tools. Of course, only practice will improve your musical vocabulary and articulation….
GM Arts – Music Guitar Science
“Hello World! I live in Adelaide, South Australia, and my interests are electric guitar, playing live music, writing MIDI sequences, programming in Visual Basic, dabbling in electronics, with a casual interest in popular science. I have some years of experience in these fields, and use these Web pages to share my knowledge freely. ..”
Electric Guitar
Most musical instruments and their amplification systems, such as those used for public address (PA), recording and hi-fi are designed to reproduce sound as accurately as possible. Electric guitar and its amplification is completely different: every item in the guitar signal chain is designed to modify the raw guitar signal in some way.
- Guitar Amplifiers – valves vs transistors, some overdrive circuit ideas.
- Guitar Pickups – get the most out of them alone and in combination,
- MIDI Music – A guide on MIDI messages, circuit for a PC-MIDI interface.
Related Resources –
- Pickup Winder Web Page
- Overdrive schematics – partial designs
- Pickup wiring and switching ideas