High Speed Photography – HSP

Here is a small list of photography related circuit and projects including High Speed Photography or HSP that uses Electronic Circuits to operate the Trigger or Lens Shutter. Many physical processes evolve on timescales shorter than the human eye can resolve. Effectively, this means the details of how the process changes with time are lost in a blur. High speed photography, or HSP, is simply photography with extremely short exposure times,….
….All control systems can be classified into one of two broad types – Open Loop and Closed Loop. The difference between them is the use of feedback via input signal. For the DIY high speed photographer, the difference equates to reliability, expense and simple electronics. ”
Lightning Activated Camera Shutter Trigger
This circuit is used to trigger a camera’s electronic shutter circuit when a flash of lightning is present. This circuit would also work for photographing fireworks displays or other events involving flashes of light.
This article describes a motorized, waterproof mount for a miniature video camera. If a suitable waterproof camera is used, this unit can be used outdoors.