HobbyCorner – Ben Zijlstra

When you make connection to the WIZ610wi through it’s serial port and you switch on the EVB you first will see a + and when you wait a while you will see a WIZ610wi prompt. When you type single characters you will get with each typed character a <0> The module expects a line with a command to be send as a single line, not as single characters.
WIZ610wi Experiments
At first we will be using a TeraTerm script to get things running. The default baudrate for a new WIZ610wi is 38400. The default IP-addres to manage the module is
HobbyCorner – Ben Zijlstra – Interfacing and Embedded Systems Projects from Ben.
The connection of the WIZ610wi is not done on a real hardware UART of the Atmega168. The FT232RL USB connector is fitted there to program the Arduino from the outside world. So a soft-UART must be used. SIX1 has seen that Olimex used INT0 and INT1 pins for RX and TX between microcontroller and WIZ610wi module so the serial communication between the Arduino and the shield could be done on interrupt base. Very clever!!