Homo sapiens to Homo Ludens

A long, long time ago a bright ape figured out that by climbing down from the trees he could more easily master his life, and that of others……Homo sapiens wanted something else, and better. He started to play. Homo ludens was born!
- Homo ludens radiactivus – amateur radio
- Homo ludens radiohistoricus my antique radio collection
- Homo ludens electronicus – electronic projects
- Homo ludens aeromodellisticus – model airplanes
Transformers and coils: This is not a building project, but a short and concise lesson in how to design electromagnetic parts. It’s much simpler than what you may expect!
A 40 meter SSB QRP transceiver
“This transceiver was conceived as a power-efficient, small, lighweight unit to be carried in the backpack, along with antenna and battery, for use during trekking and mountaineering trips. It had to be reasonably rugged and reliable, and perform well. Furthermore, I wanted it to solve all the problems the old DSB transceivers had, such as frequency instability, distorted modulation, lack of sensitivity and selectivity, and others.”