Karl Lunts Embedded Robots

This site contains lots of embedded control and robotics projects that I’ve developed over the years. Many were featured in past articles in Nuts & Volts magazine, and in my book, Build Your Own Robot! Others were projects that I’ve shown at various meetings of the Seattle Robotics Society (SRS). And I offer here many powerful tools that I’ve created for working with the Motorola 68hc11 and 68hc12 microcontrollers. – Karl Lunt
Arnold (221K): A six-inch tall robo-pet driven by modified R/C servo motors, with a BOTBoard for a brain. Arnold sports IR object detection and a skirt of bumper switches. It uses furniture drawer knobs fore and aft as casters. The frame is a plastic, two-tiered base sold by Marvin Green. Marvin also sells the BOTBoard; great product.