Lars Petersen OZ1BXM QRP Denmark

Amateur radio homepage by Lars Petersen of Holstebro, Denmark. The Useful Articles include some good rules for the QRPer and Main HF rig and antenna.
Lars Petersen OZ1BXM QRP Denmark
CW, QRP, and satellites. Satellite radios and PIC experiments like the one below
The main components are: A 7805 bolted to a small heatsink, a blue reset button, a red LED, a serial I2C EEPROM (24LC256), four DIL switches, the 16F873 with 4 MHz crystal oscillator, a real time clock (DS1302) with lithium battery backup and a MAX232 for serial communication. I’m using an external power supply which is able to provide 12V DC at 300 mA.
SSPA for 2 meters – 1 kW module
The core of the SSPA is the 1 kW amplifier module. The module is built around the LDMOS transistor MRFE6VP61K25H from Freescale. This device can operate between 1.8 MHz and 600 MHz and delivers 1250 W output. In this application, the output is limited to 1000W.