Liquidware – Embedded Electronics Source

Open Source Electronics. Hardware and gadgets. Embedded Cards with Support Cards and Components. Be in Sync. with the Embedded Electronics for Quick Prototyping and Gadget Creation.
Liquidware – Embedded Electronics Source
There’s enough stuff in this pack to build 2 full gadgets, with a wide screen, or two player, or angled, or multi-colored, with enough power to run for over 24 hours straight. That’s pretty intense. If you think you can handle it, the Ultimate Gadget Pack’s the perfect kit!
Neapolitan pizza of Open Source hardware and Arduino modules.
Ultimate Gadget Pack – Liquidware
It Includes many things, some listed below …
- Arduino Duemilanove
- TouchShield Stealth
- TouchShield Slide
- Open Source Hardware, Volume 1
- InputShields
- Mini black Protoboards