Metal Detector Circuits Problem

With the best wishes for you. I found your address and browsed your website. I have a question and hope to take your help and answer.

I need to good metal detector’s circuit and I find several in the web, any of them worked ? what is a problem in them and where can I find one that works with best depth? Could you design or point the mistake in some circuits? Thank you for your answer beforehand.

delabs – See my Related Page at ย Metal Detector Projects

Metal Detector Circuits Problem

Mail from AS


Thank you for your answer and sites. But some of them that are professional namely “twin loop” built but it has problem and didn’t work.

I think it may be a indicated, there is a problem with them. How can I make it correctly? could you proper design such circuits?

I am not professional and of you do, I will pay for your works.

Reply from AS

If you clearly specify what you want with a drawing, And indicate what you may be able to pay and your contact details too…….

Then, I will publish your request in my site. People visiting my pages may contact you. You can Try it out, I may not be able to help now.


(PS – You can offer a solution to AS’s Problem, post your design page details, All Comments are moderated, Commercial or Business comments will be deleted, designers can indicate homepage.)



dapj means digital analog power junction

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