N5ESE – Gizmos for QRP Ham Radio

“One day I noticed a project, obviously homebrew, mounted on a piece of plywood, and nearly covering the worktable. When I asked him what it was, he glowed as bright as the half-dozen tubes that lit up when he turned it on. Twenty seconds or so later, out spews from the speaker the cracklings and whistles of 40 Meter CW. I was amazed, and at that moment the homebrew bug bit me hard. I was determined to build something myself, and get my ham ticket.”
N5ESE – Gizmos for QRP Ham Radio
N5ESE’s GIZMOs For the QRP Homebrewer and Ham Operator
“Everybody loves a “gizmo”. Hams have a weakness for them. Gizmos can be expensive for full-power amateur radio equipment, but homebrewing QRP gizmos is “cheap and easy”. Most of the projects here cost less than $20 (or nothing, if you have a modest junk box), and take only a few hours to build). Most are even suitable for the novice builder. And all have real practical value, especially for homebrewers and QRP operators. “