PIC Microcontroller Tutorials

These are Tiny Chips that integrate the Microprocessor and Peripheral chips in a compact size with low power consumption. PIC Microcontrollers from Microchip are the evolved computing digital devices that go into many gadgets and intelligent equipment. These are easy to program and reprogram and even protect your code or IP.
The PIC has the math power. The memory, the I/O ports are integrated in the chip like 8051. Some may remember that Microprocessors like 8085 and Z80 had all these functions in chips outside and used to consume more power. Then came CMOS and better IC technology. The 8051(now avr, atmega)and PIC Micro are entire boards in one chip.
PIC microcontrollers for beginners too – Author: Nebojsa Matic
The above tutorial gives the History of computers, microprocessors and the details of PIC Micro’s Internals.
”..what microcontrollers are and how they operate. Numerous illustrations and practical examples along with a detailed description of the PIC16F887 microcontroller will make you enjoy your work with PIC MCUs.”
PIC Microcontrollers – Author: Milan Verle
PIC Tutorials and Gooligum baseline and mid-range PIC training and development board.
Introduction to PIC Microcontrollers,Baseline PIC Architecture and Assembly Language, Baseline PIC C Programming, Mid-range PIC Architecture and Assembly Language – Quite a few are free and can be read online.
Starting with PICmicro controllers by Wouter van Ooijen. PICmicro is the brand name for a family of microcontrollers manufactured by Microchip. The PIC acronym stood for Peripheral Interface Controller, but recently Microchip has renamed their chips to PICmicro. Within this family the flash-microcontrollers (16×84, 16f62x, 16f87x) are ideal devices for hobbyists and low-volume professionals.
Learn to program in C with FED – This manual will take you through the process of learning C from variables through constants to pointers and then structures and unions. Most of the examples are standalone and are as small as possible to enable the purpose and effect to be easily understood.
Programming and Customizing PICmicro – Myke Predko