PIC Microcontroller with GSM

How would you let your PIC-Micro Board Interface with your Cell Phone (Network). These Cards and Designs will help your Embedded System to be Controlled or Monitored using a simple Wireless Device Networking.
Using PIC-GSM you can easily monitor and control your home from everywhere with your GSM cell phone. You can switch on and off relays remotely by SMS. You can monitor the status of your GPIOs or toggle them. You can establish a call to the GSM module and speak or listen on the audio channel of the board. You can monitor the temperature from several digital remote temperature sensors.
SMS Transceiver for PIC (SMST4PIC)
SMS Transceiver for PIC (SMST4PIC) is a tool for sending SMS via a RS232 serial connection between a PIC and a mobile phone. It establish on the basis of a serial line connection a AT command based communication for sending SMS and SMS-based e-Mails.
GSM Monitoring and Control System
A simple GSM based monitoring and controlling system on a small board with a PIC processor holding a solid program able to control a various types of GSM modems and Cell phones. Four inputs, one power output prepared for monitoring and controlling through SMS messages on your mobile phone.