Power Electronics Java Applets

Some very useful, educative and interactive Java Applets. Tutorials around Power Electronics. Includes Diode and SCR Circuits, Controlled 1/3 Phase SCR-Thyristor Bridge Rectifier and Switch-Mode Power Supplies SMPS.
Power electronics-interactive text
They include Simple diode, SCR and thyristor controlled bridge rectifier circuits and most important the Switch-Mode Power Supply SMPS.
Interactive Power Electronics Seminar (iPES)
The following Java applets are part of the Introductory Course on Power Electronics taught by Prof. Kolar at the ETH Zurich. The interactive and animated applets are used as aid for teaching in the classroom and are displayed using a laptop and a beamer. Furthermore, the applets do provide an opportunity for the students to experiment and learn at home more efficiently.
Here some power electronics design info is available. Switching-Mode Power Supply Design
At Alexandre Manuel Mota‘s pages you will find – Op Amps for Everyone Design Guide, History of Switched Mode Power Supplies, DC Power Supply Handbook, SWITCHMODE Power Supply Reference Manual, Linear & Switching Voltage Reference Handbook. The above PDF files seem to be good study material, before you design and build your next power supply, SMPS or AC/DC converter. – delabs
Power Supplies and SMPS Section
Circuits of SMPS, Power Supply, Switch Mode Power Supply are here. High Voltage Power Supply concept. DC Regulated 3 Pin Power Supplies like 7812 and 7805. Workbench Supplies.