Proto-PIC – Prototyping for Hobbyists

eShop and How-To Videos for anyone who has an interest in Microcontroller Programming & Development. Components and Kits for the Electronics Enthusiast.
Proto-PIC – Prototyping for Hobbyists
A site designed for electronics and prototyping hobbyists and enthusiasts. This site has grown and is now a useful knowledge base and online shop for anyone who has an interest in Microcontroller Programming & Development or for anyone who has a love of electronics.
BBC Microbit – Accessories, Board & Kits for the Micro Bit
The BBC micro:bit is a tiny little computer, that is easy to program and small enough to fit in your pocket. It has built in Bluetooth , motion detection, a compass, and an LED display. We manufacture our own range of micro:bit Accessories and Kits right here in sunny Scotland.
RelChron Limited
Unit 17, Kirkcaldy Enterprise Centre, Myregormie Place, Mitchelston Industrial Estate
Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland, KY1 3PF