QRP and homebrew by DL2YEO

“My name is Udo and I am living in the small village called Spenge, about 15 km north of Bielefeld. The DARC radio club is ‘OV Widukind – N59’ and the locator is JO42FD. I spend a part of my freetime with designing circuits and home-brewing electronic devices…”
- Front Panel Design
- Some useful Tables
- 13.8 V / 15 A from a PC
- 250 W S.M.P.S.
- Analogue Frequency Display
- Oscillators
“The electronics industry uses several methods for labelling front panels and enclosures, including screen printing, press forming, erosion, lasers etc.. The common factor of these techniques is that they are generally beyond the home constructor. Having these parts specially made commercially can be very expensive, and the only alternative is standardized scales and fonts.”