Quadcopter of Harald Sattler

The top of the sNQ Shorty looks much tidier than its big brother, here the experience gained with the first work increases. The cables between the control unit and the LEDs and the motors are now laid on the underside of the circuit board and lead through the holes to the pads provided for this purpose.
sNQ Shorty –ย Quadcopter of Harald Sattler
“After initial flight tests I can confirm the function of the Mega328 with 16 MHz at 3.3 V operating voltage. Of course, one must be aware that the chip is operated outside its specification and no one can guarantee that the two chips and the ?C function are compatible with all possible conditions. It may well be that the shorty in the living room at 20 ยฐ prima flies, then one opens the door and there comes cold air into the room, the copter simply crashes.”
“With the sNQ Stretcho, we pushed the motors down as far as possible through the brackets, because this would dampen or even suppress vibrations due to the engine running, and disturbances of the IMU chip largely fall away. In the case of the sNQ Shorty, this can only be implemented to a limited extent, …”