Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ

Sci.Electronics.Repair Frequently Asked Question(s) (or S.E.R FAQ for short) Home Page. This site features Samuel M. Goldwasser’s latest and greatest “Notes on the Troubleshooting and Repair of…” series of comprehensive repair guides for consumer electronics equipment and other household devices.
Technology Resource – Silicon Sam
There is also a great deal of other information of interest to the electronics hobbyist, experimenter, technician, engineer, and possibly even the dentist and poet. Included are the now quite comprehensive and massive “Sam’s Laser FAQ”.
Sam’s Laser FAQ has a great deal of information on a variety of laser and optics related topics including a comprehensive treatment of diode, helium-neon, argon/krypton ion, and CO2 lasers as well as amateur laser construction including numerous examples of truly home-built lasers. Much of this is not available anywhere else either on-line or in print!
Home-Built Diode Pumped Solid State (DPSS) Laser
This generates green light at 532 nm which is not a bad shade of green and quite close to the eye’s peak sensitivity. This is the approach used in modern green laser pointers and most modern DPSS green lasers. While other materials can be used to obtain other wavelengths (blue being the most common)