Strippenstrolch – Elektronikbasteln

“Strippenstrolch” is thus a pitch name for “electricians”. here you can also see a innovative project that combines rainwater harvesting and a solar energy operated pump to flush toilets.
Strippenstrolch – Elektronikbasteln
LED Lighting Projects, Learn Electronics, Basic Circuits and how they work. All in German.
“In Germany one finds this designation now and then for an electrician on the work. Particularly in the winter, if it is still dark in the morning, one often sees “Strippenstrolche” with its building lamp on the building site:”
Combination of Rain and Sun Harvesting
“The inspiration for a self-sufficient toilet flush was now close at hand: I thought at first to work with a power supply that provides me the 12V to the pump. But as a power supply would idle constantly consume energy, I rejected this solution. I have long experimented with solar power, so I decided, now a solar system for our toilets to build. On the flat roof of our garage I installed two 12V – 55Wp – solar – modules (Conrad Electronics). This I switched in parallel.”
“As a solar storage currently serves an ordinary car battery 45Ah (later 3 pieces with a total of 135 Ah). The charging control acquires an 8A charge controller (Conrad). So all very simple.”