Supercap and White LED and Energy Harvesters

This is a educative and simple example to help learn about supercaps and white LED. It will also help you understand component behavior. If you are learning electronics, try this one out.
The goldcap-Dynamo Lamp idea is a DIY Tutorial by Kainka on Electrical Energy Harvesting. What may be this EH Thing ?
Energy harvesting (also known as power harvesting or energy scavenging) is the process by which energy is derived from external sources (e.g., solar power, thermal energy, wind energy, salinity gradients, and kinetic energy), captured, and stored for small, wireless autonomous devices, like those used in wearable electronics and wireless sensor networks. – EH at Wikipedia
Then the Cycle Dynamo may not be the ideal choice for furthering this research. The reason being, this is quite a powerful source of energy, especially when going downhill!
Electric Double Layer Capacitor – EDLC
We need a more fussy source of Electricity. Like the waves of the sea, that could splash onto Large plates of Springy Beryllium Copper Cantilevers, which moves an Array of Magnets in coils (Reverse of Solenoids). This gives Random Spurts of High Energy Pulses which have to be Harvested.
That is for you to dare and do …….. Now let me give some things you can read, before you start this epic Adventure…
Now Move ! There is so much Abundant Energy to be Harvested. You can Even Setup a Roadside Electric Trike Recharging Station. – Gomier Electric Tricycle
We need more contests, An LED Lighting Contest and a Sponsored Elekrik Vehicle (Non-Car) Super-Contest.