Tagged: Deutsche-German


8051 Macro Assembler ASEM-51

In 1979 Intel has introduced the 8051 as the first member of the MCS-51 family of microcontrollers. Today hundreds of cheap 8051 derivatives are available from dozens of manufacturers. This makes the MCS-51 architecture...

DL4YHF – Ham Radio and Homebrew

This page provides some tools (software by myself), hardware, and other information for radio amateurs, and some other not-radio-related stuff like the PIC programmer. Frequency counter with a PIC and minimum hardware This document...


Projects and Designs of Wolfgang Wieser

Projects and Designs of Wolfgang Wieser Digital circuits, programmable logic devices and microcontrollers, Boards which connect to a PC via the USB port (USB8bit, USB-FX2) which supersede my very old parallel port card (Latch16bit)....


Elektronik – Basteln – Projekte – German

Elektronik – Basteln – Projekte – German “The electronics Kompendium.de is the website about electronics, computer technology, communications and networking technology for students, apprentices and students.” ( after Google Translate ) Timer 555 –...