Tagged: Hobby-Groups

Grathio Labs of Steve Hoefer

Steve Hoefer, the main brain behind Grathio Labs. A freelance problem solver and writer. Active in the Open Source software and hardware. The Secret Knock Detecting Lock unlocks your door when it detects the...

RoboBrrd from RobotGrrl Erin

RoboBrrd is an animatronic character designed to be utilized as a tangible physical interface to interact with learning applications for elementary school students. A Smart Robot Bird. A Edutainment aid Bot Avian. RoboBrrd from...

BEAM Robotics – Simple Nature Inspired Bots

BEAM is an acronym standing for Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics, Mechanics. While BEAM robots are often simple (consisting of a solar cell , motor, 2 transistors , and capacitor ), robots as complicated as 8-jointed,...