Tagged: PIC-Micro

MadLab – Inventive electronic kits

Unique, hands-on electronics workshop for children and adults. In the workshop participants solder electronic components onto specially-designed circuit boards. MadLab – Inventive electronic kits MadLab has been made possible through the generous sponsorship and...

PICuP ProtoBoard – BitScope Designs

ProtoBoard started life as ProtoPOD.It was designed as a prototyping POD for use with BitScope making development of new (PIC based) POD designs easy. PICuP ProtoBoard – BitScope Designs It is a small (2.6″x4.0″)...

Open Programmer PIC and Atmel

An open source USB programmer for PIC micros, I2C EEPROMs, some ATMEL micros, generic I2C/SPI devices and (soon) other devices. Open Programmer PIC and Atmel Completely free and Open Source (including firmware) Programs PIC10-12-16-18,...

microEngineering Labs – Melabs

Melabs from Colorado Springs designs and markets embedded systems for Training and Prototype design. The include complete systems for PIC microcontroller development, Device programmers and Programming Adapters that support over 500 Microchip microcontrollers.