LED Lamp – Simple Bed-Lamp Circuit
LED Night lamp, Clock Lamp to see time at night. It is a Green Lamp just 50mA, but its Blue in Color.
LED Night lamp, Clock Lamp to see time at night. It is a Green Lamp just 50mA, but its Blue in Color.
This is another LED lamp from China, these people make nice lamps and also good designs of the plastic enclosure. Here by a clever enclosure design it is both a emergency mains bulb and...
A Low cost A/D with a Potential of 5KV Isolation from Computing elements by use of Normal/Special Opto-Couplers. This can give better resolution and accuracy than a 8 bit A/D. may be close to...
I got a strange problem as i added more and more peripherals, the pc gave odd messages, “i cannot detect what you are doing” and things like that. I almost flipped trying to locate...